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3D Imaging, or reconstruction, is a revolutionised technology capturing the shape and appearance of rea life objects. This process develops or creates the illusion of depth of an image or object.
Combined with machine vision systems, 3D imaging has allowed for higher accuracy of inspections and therefore becoming an essential technique for quality control processes in industrial applications. The implementation of this 3D technique is endless, from analysing and measuring to enhancing performance of key processes.
This 3D Imaging technology has become a technological revolution across the aerospace, automotive, industrial and medical industries. Especially with 3D Medical Imaging, this has unearthed new angles and resolutions offering medical professionals a better understanding of the anatomy.
3D imaging can be achieved by using either active or passive methods with the use of Cognex’s 3D-A5000 series area scan camera. This camera series will solve 3D applications with unmatched performance, accuracy and ruggedness.
Not only will it capture high resolution 3D images, but it also features 3D LightBurst technology which rapidly acquires images to maximise throughput.
The 3D-A5000 camera will provide a wide range of fields of view and can accommodate most industrial applications, from assembly verification to robot guidance. Other benefits include:
Contact us now for a quotation – call us on 0845 3370250 or email us at