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Our affiliate partner, Make UK, has launched a survey covering diversity and inclusion, as well as apprenticeships. They are keen to hear from PPMA members, so we would be grateful if you can take a few minutes to complete the Diversity, Inclusion and Apprenticeship Survey.
Research tells us that diverse businesses outperform others. Companies in the top-quartile for ethnic/cultural diversity on executive teams are 33% more likely to have industry-leading profitability. By 2025, 75% of the global workforce will be made up of millennials who want their workplace to be inclusive. Make UK wants to ensure that no manufacturing business is left behind.
The Diversity, Inclusion and Apprenticeship Survey will help to determine what the average manufacturing business looks like and what, if any, measures companies are taking to encourage greater diversity within their business. This will form the basis of a report that will showcase best practice and offer support to those companies that want to pursue the diversity agenda further in their business.
The survey also includes questions on apprenticeships. With the take-up on apprenticeships starting to fall, Make UK wants to understand what will encourage manufacturers to recruit more apprentices to ensure that the UK does not face an acute skills shortage in years to come. The findings will be used to put forward recommendations to Government on how to improve the apprenticeship system.
All responses are anonymous. When asked for your Make UK membership status, please select the ‘Affiliate’ option.
Please complete the survey here. The survey will close on 9 April 2021.