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As of Tuesday 24th March 2020 there are more than 400,000 reported cases of Covid-19 affecting 196 countries around the globe, every effort has to be made globally to thwart the spread of this virus!
The Covid-19 outbreak has highlighted the need for reliable, robust and efficient fever screening processes. This is of particular importance in critical sectors where there is limited ability for staff to work from home. All staff and general public entering premises must remain healthy, avoid spreading the virus, and have the confidence to continue coming into work.
‘Harlequin' uses equipment specifically approved by the World Health Organisation and enables mass fever screening in a quick, effective and non-contact manner. A fever is the body's natural response to fighting an infection, including but not limited to Tonsillitis, Kidney Infection and Covid-19. Anyone over the detected temperature threshold should avoid contact with others, and/or follow the local company and government guidelines.