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UK GDP falls by 19.1% March to May 2020

Gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 19.1% in the three months to May 2020, following falls of 10.8% in April and 2.2% in March.

Rolling three-month growth is based on output gross value added (GVA); therefore, there will be discrepancies in the time series with the Office of National Statistics (ONS) quarterly estimates of GDP, which include information on the expenditure and income approaches to measuring GDP.

All ONS sectors (excluding administration and defence) published provided a negative contribution to GDP growth in the three months to May 2020. The services sector fell by 18.9%, production by 15.5% and construction by 29.8%. Growth in the UK Manufacturing sector shrunk by 18% within the same period.

The impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) continue to be seen right across the economy, with nearly all sub-sectors falling between March to May.

For more information, visit the Office of National Statistics website here.