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Date: 5 November 2020

FREE DIT webinar on India’s advanced engineering industry (5 Nov)

Indian Advanced Engineering Industry

Market Overview, Business Opportunities and Success Stories

The UK Government’s Department for International Trade (DIT) is hosting a FREE webinar (5 November 2020) on India’s advanced engineering industry.

Registrant for the webinar will hear from Indian industry leaders on market overview, business opportunities and UK success stories in the Indian advanced engineering industry.

India and the UK stand strong on trade relations across sectors under advanced engineering industry. With India’s vast manufacturing scale and UK’s advance technical capabilities, the two nations together could emerge as a strong engineering and manufacturing alliance.

India is third most suitable location for global manufacturing and with initiatives like ‘Make in India’, the government is encouraging domestic and foreign investments in India. The Indian Government is focussing on having right policies in place and setting up single window clearances to support foreign companies coming to India.

Considering this, India is expected to be the destination of choice for global manufacturing industry leaders in sectors like electronics, computer hardware, consumer durables, automobile (including components) and other engineering products. Indian advanced engineering industry is supported by favourable factors such as availability of low-cost skilled labour, robust R&D centres, and low-cost steel production.

Opportunities for the UK companies exist in areas like lightweight & new age materials, decarbonisation technologies, low cost automation, Industry 4.0, electrical components, smart & sustainable manufacturing, battery management & recycling technologies, designing of vehicles – to name a few.

DIT’s advanced engineering team in India is supporting UK businesses export to the Indian market, setup operations in India and on expansion plans as well. The team is spread across all major cities in India and keen to assist your business in the Indian market.

Register for more details on the webinar, here.


  • Samina Khalid: Marketing Communications Manager, Renishaw India
  • Venkitaraman Govindarajan: Managing Director, Spirax-Sarco India Private Limited
  • Mohammad Athar: Partner - Economic Development & Infrastructure – (GRID) Advisory Services, PwC India