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Date: 26 May 2021
Time: 13:00PM - 14:00PM
Our Affiliate Partner, Make UK, will be running their fourth roadshow in a series of FREE virtual events (webinars) – in partnership with Energy and Carbon Management – on the topic of Demystifying Net Zero.
The theme of this workshop – “Net Zero and your supply chain” will take place on 26 May 2021 (1pm – 2pm).
The ‘Demystifying Net Zero’ series aims to build awareness and understanding of Net Zero.
The series is structured as a progressive learning curve, from the basics to funding, measuring emissions, reporting, and finally setting a strategy. It will demonstrate that your business can participate in helping our planet and that it can be done in a cost neutral manner and will ultimately lead to profit and resilience.
In addition to the event on 26 May, all three follow-up sessions are free to attend too. Each event is designed to be interactive, share best practice and provide good opportunities for discussion.
Series of events:
You can download a copy of the Committee on Climate Change’s Reducing UK Emissions Progress Report to Parliament (June 2020) below.