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Date: 1 March 2021
Time: 12:00PM - 13:30PM

Make UK webinar: Product labelling requirements (1 March)

With the new UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement signed on 30 December 2020, PPMA members have another opportunity to join a FREE webinar on 1 March 2021 regarding The New EU Trade Deal: Product Labelling requirements, namely: UKCA, CE and UKNI markings.

This one-and-a-half-hour event (12pm-1:30pm), hosted by our affiliate partner Make UK, will include an overview of the policy alongside specific examples to illustrate the practical and technical implications for GB manufacturers when labelling goods and machinery. It will also look at gaining certification from notified bodies and conclude with helpful guidance on operating within the new rules.

Attendees will hear from the Department for Business and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) will be on hand to discuss how to secure a UKCA mark, when and how long the UK will still recognise CE marked goods, plus look at changes to UK Notified Bodies. The session will also provide operational context around UKNI mark and the circumstances under which it is required.

Chris Newson, who leads on Health & Safety delivery for Make UK, will then provide insight on how companies can gain a UKCA marking for their machines. He will then provide a step-by-step guide (including examples) on how UKCA marking can be applied for new machinery supplied into GB and what the implications are for users of older machines that currently have a CE marking.

Book your place

To register for this event, please click here. Please select the Affiliate option when prompted for your Make UK membership status.