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Date: 17 March 2021
Time: 8:30AM – 9:30AM (BST)
Our affiliate partner, Make UK, is hosting a FREE webinar (17 March 2021) to help you to ‘Successfully Access Grant Funding’.
This online event will share best practice on applying for grant funding. This can ensure manufacturers achieve their strategic goals through cutting costs, increasing productivity, becoming more competitive and achieving growth.
In this one-hour session (8:30am – 9:30am, BST), Make UK and their guests will pull back the curtain to reveal the hidden pots of support available to your company.
The session will be guided by experts at Make UK's partner The Technology Supply Chain – a Make UK member, who has successfully used funding and Make UK’s Advantage Partner ABGI on R&D tax credits as part of businesses investments.
Hear from Richard Fallon, CEO, The Technology Supply Chain on:
You should attend this webinar to gain an understanding / better understanding how grant funding can transform your business and how to successfully apply for pots of funding. It’s ideally suited for those strategically responsible for the direction of manufacturing businesses.
To register for the event, please click here and select the affiliate option when prompted for your Make UK member status.